The year of un.

Pavithra Dikshit
3 min readDec 31, 2018


I did more things that are all heart. Gave unconditionally. Sometimes the opening of your heart will make it break into pieces. And that is perfectly acceptable. Vulnerability takes more acceptance than strength.

I have this intrinsic need for my creativity to be continuously challenged. Treading the unfamiliar in many ways has been a drug. This year I decided to make myself a muse and write. Difficult, unfamiliar and let’s see where this journey takes me into 2019.

A year where I travelled a fair amount. Both within India and outside. Incredibly grateful. Thank God for this incredible life I have.
My three favourite things to have done this year with all the unwinding
1. Take a neighbourhood walking tour in the city you live in
2. Sit in a cafe or the park and just observe people and relationships
3. Follow random people in random streets to discover something new

Generally speaking, I would not call myself a people’s person and this was the year I learnt how not to underestimate the power of the collective. It is said that you are the best of the 5 people you surround yourself with. And well here is to all my people. Thank you. I am incredibly grateful to have been around the best. Atleast as far as 2018 has been concerned.

A year where I learnt to break a lot of my pre-conceived notions. My conditioning on many fronts did not dictate my decision making. I learnt how to be more self-aware. Of people. Of choices.

I started getting back into reading properly only last year. I started investing more time and money in unacademic (non design related) reading. Perspective is everything and for a better output each time, input is everything.

On multiple occasions, I decided to lean on people’s shoulder’s. I usually believe in solving my own problems. But this year around, I tried it differently. Sometimes, I needed a hand. Maybe even two. And on many occasions — it had a tail that wags and melted my heart.

Loyalty is my strongest trait. I pride myself in having my people’s back. And yet this year on a few occasions I was forced to choose otherwise. I had to break the pattern and make an unbiased choice.

Do not cower. Do not apologise for who you are. Two things I had to keep reminding myself. Always be unapologetic for the kind of person you are because if there is one thing you should know that there will always be your kind of people in this world and you will find them when the time is right.

Everything I start anew has involved unlearning. It is the new way to learn, I suppose?

A year where every moment counted. I was a bit too late in reaching a destination. 3 days short of meeting someone who shaped me. One moment of dismissing a possibility. And yet, here we are. Embracing that what I know now may not exist tomorrow. Embracing uncertainity has been the hardest lesson, yet.

Uncover ~
That’s the way to ring in 2019?

