Looking Back — Looking Ahead

Pavithra Dikshit
3 min readJan 12, 2020


Love is Love mural at Bad Ass Tacos, Los Angeles, California

2019! The end of a year. The end of a decade.

It has been an interesting journey of straight lines and full circles and upward motion and downward swings. So here’s 10 for 10.

  1. This last year, I has the incredible opportunity to get a lot of my favourite people married. People who’ve seen me in nappies and people I know since I was in school and definitely people who’ve watched me cry more times than is allowed for a normal human. I am incredibly blessed to have been there for their biggest days and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.
  2. This last year, I showed up for myself. I’m putting myself ahead of everyone in the line. And more often than not it has been perfect.
  3. This last year, I took full advantage of my incredible support system. Every single person whom I love was there for me when I needed them. I will not lie, it was a tough year and I am a tough cookie–so we got this! And you, you know who (all) you are. You are my rock! I am grateful to have you in my life everyday.
  4. This last year, I was met with incredible kindness. I can’t even begin to describe it. People are incredible. We must pay it forward. If I have one thing to take ahead this year it would be, to be kind.
  5. This last year, I have travelled more miles than ever before. I am grateful for that luxury but also knowing what impact has on the climate.
  6. This last year, I changed smaller habits for lasting change. I shopped responsibly and avoided fast fashion. I reused old clothes, donated more than I have ever before, downsized my wardrobe and things I own largely. I also stopped using the shower and switched to bucket use like old times. I am encouraging myself to slowly segregate waste at home. Adulting 101.
  7. This last year, I read 40 books, listened to over 100 hours in podcasts and subscribed to every kind of information that would inspire me. Everything from current affairs to art to business. I would say that I definitely put the internet to good use.
  8. This last year, I also deleted a lot of my social presence and will be continuing that tradition into 2020. I am now available exclusively only on email, LinkedIn and on Instagram.
  9. This last year, I disengaged from toxic people and spaces. I cannot emphasise how important this has been. Definite game-changer.
  10. This last year, I realised that there is an end date to most things. Be grateful for what you have now and for when it leaves. Because life is too short and good things are in store for all of us.

And lastly, for this decade, I am grateful and incredibly proud of the person I have come to become. In 2009, I was an immature college kid who had little idea of the person I wanted to become. I was trying to be like everyone else and failing miserably. And in this decade, most of what I had planned or thought did not happen. Guess life has its own way of doing things for you and in the end it is our choices that do make us and shape us. So here we are– entering the new decade, a lot more wiser and definitely happier.

A little love note to myself for the upcoming decade–
Show up. Be kind. Be your own champion.

